
Have you ever had to restore your system because of a virus or just being messed
up? Well how about reinstalling SWG from scratch...... the install isn't the bad
part its downloading the patches and character info that toast my taters, it
took me over 4 hours on a DSL connection to download all of them (about 300mb).
After that experience I have always backed up SWG before I do a restore (I
restore my system about once every 3-4 months.)This Guide will show you how
to backup your SWG game so you don't have to wait 4 hours for the patches to
1. Go to your SWG install folder, C:\Program
Files\StarWarsGalaxies by default.
2. Once there you want to backup the files...
- hotfix_p10_xx.tre
(all of them)
- patch_xx.tre
(all of them)
- StarWarsUpdate.log.xxx
- local_machine_options.iff
- profiles folder
Copy the files to a location of your choice, put it somewhere easy to
access like your Desktop. This is what the folder should look like.
3. Once you have these files together go ahead and back them up, burn
them to a CD or like me move them to a second hard drive. Then restore Windows
or what ever you need to do. Once your ready install SWG again like you would
4. After the game has finished installing go to the SWG install folder.
By default it should be here.
C:\Program Files\StarWarsGalaxies drag all
of the files that you backed up to this folder and over write any file that is
in there. start the game and it only will have to download the new .exe file and
that's it