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Brianith Soolaan Gitza Nishow Djay s0-nar Immunize
Corbantis Tatooine E-Chimiera Bria

5/22/05 - OMG!
Episode III is by far the best star wars movie!!! I don't care what anyone says. I'm gonna go see it again tomorrow, Right now I'm working on updating the screenshots page with a real gallery program. This way I can post more pictures and those new ones that were taken at E3.

4/19/05 - We're ready!
We it's time again, E3 is almost here, Along with Episode III. The 19th is going to be a busy day E3 in the morning and EPIII at night..... yes I am pretty lucky :) don't worry Ill take  plenty of photos and maybe some videos, If anyone want me to take photos/video of any of the games that are going to be there just contact me and Ill do my best to take something. As for site updates we have added profiles to our G-H, C-D and I-J.

4/3/05 - Fixed Profile links
Today We have added 3 new profiles to our A-B, O-P, and C-D pages. We have also repaired the profiles links under the player profiles. Yay now you can show people your profiles directly. When I have some more free time I will add some more guides and Player concepts.

3/20/05 - New Stuff!
That's right I have kick out the old and busted links page (who ever goes to those anyways?) and replaced it with something that was pretty popular on, a page that displays what we the players want, but this isn't just any request page it has picture of what we want, some even have flash demos to show how it would work. We call it our "Player Concept" page so go check it out and submit an idea along with a picture of it and we will post it.

3/12/05 - More profiles
These last couple of days we have been adding new profiles and updating little things here and there. I have started a new job so I'm going to cut back a little on updates. So hang in there and we will be back in no time.  

2/28/05 - New NPC Guide
Today we have released a guide on the location of NPC's. We are working on making guides for all the planets but there are a lot of NPC's so you going to have to be patient. 

2/17/05 - More Profiles
We have just added new profiles to the O-P, S-T, Y-Z and the G-H page today. We are also working on a new guide that we will be releasing in a series. The first one will be out soon.

2/5/05 - Read all about it!
I was go across some things on the official SWG site the other day and seen that they have this cool new tool that will allow you to post news directly from them on your site. I thought I would give it a shot so I need you guys to tell me if you like it or if its annoying by posting on our forums. Also if you cant see this window popup you have to click on the yellow bar at the of the site and click "Allow Pop-ups from this site" that it.

2/2/05 - Finally... a good present
There is going to be a revamp of the veteran reward system, You can get rewards for 3, 6, and 12 months. You can choose from 3 reward types Home, Fun, or for the field. You can read more here. I have also added new profiles to the S-T, C-D and K-L pages today. There are also some new changes coming to the group looting system, you can read about them here.

1/27/05 - More Profiles
The I-J page has a new profile today, We are also working on a new guide that might be out next week.

1/26/05 - More Profiles
Today we have added 3 new profiles to the I-J, A-B and the G-H pages. Our site was mentioned on the Star Wars enDirect Live show on the 23rd, its in the end portion of the show you can hear it if you download the archive show for that day.

1/23/05 - Let's Talk
Star Wars enDirect will be discussing SWG and were they thing the game is going today head on over there to listen to what they have to say.

1/19/05 - We can rebuild it...
Go one go all... our forums are back up and we are looking for people to be moderators and to start promoting it so we can get some good dissuasions going. If you are interested in becoming a moderator for the forums go ahead and email us and let us know what your qualifications are like if you have setup or moderate a forum. Plus we have added a new profile to our I-J Page.

1/16/05 - New Guide
We told you our next guide would be out soon. Next we are going to search the deep space for more JTL based guides.

1/15/05 - New Profile
Today we added a new profile to our S-T page. Were close to releasing a new guide.

1/9/05 - New Profile
We have added a new profile to our O-P page. not to much else going on these days that we can report on but we will keep you up to date.

12/28/04 - Added Profile
We have also added a new profile to the K-L page. and are working on a new guide that should be out soon. we have also shut the forums down since there not getting much use we night bring them back up if there is a demand for it.

12/16/04 - Added Profile
Not much going on except for the near release of publish 11.5. We have also added a new profile to the K-L page.

12/4/04 - New Guide
Today we have released a guide explaining how to become glowy. we are working on finding new JTL and 11.3 publish guides. If you have a guide and would like to post it all you have to do is contact us.

11/15/04 - New JTL Guide
We have added a new JTL guide today explaining how to use the new droid option added from JTL. Since the last update we have added new profiles to the A-B, S-T and the U-V.

11/3/04 - New JTL Guide
We have added a new JTL guide today explaining how to go about building your first ship. We are also working on some other guides that should make there way here soon.

11/1/04 - New Guide
A new guide has been added today. It was submitted by Trey Adams or Traie as he is known on the Eclipse galaxie. We have also added a new profile to the U-V page.

10/30/04 - New JTL Guide
Today we have added our first JTL guide. It can be found on our Game Guides section. Right now were searching JTL for some new guides to post.

10/28/04 - New Profiles
We have added 3 new profiles today with others on the way, seems that were finally gaining popularity among the SWG community. We are also working on our first JTL guide which should come out in the next couple of days. Its not going to be a big one... I'm still learning too.

10/24/04 - New Feature for registered users
Today we have added two profile which you can find on our S-T and E-F page We have also added a new bonus for the people who have posted profiles with us, We will provide free signatures. So if you want a free signature and have posted your profile just contact us and let us know.

Thanks for visiting, where you can meet some of the people behind the pixels in Star War's #1  Massively multiplayer online role-playing game, Star Wars Galaxies. Find some great guides and information to help you on the way to exploring the game.