The HUD is the "Heads Up Display" were all the game info is displayed, this is great for giving you the info you need but horrible for taking screen shots follow the instructions below to turn it off.

1.) If your using the default SWG controls (SWG keymap) press the Ctrl + Shift + H to turn off and again to turn it back on.

2.) If your using the MMORPG controls (EQ Style keymap) press the Ctrl + Shift + H to turn off and again to turn it back on.

3.) If your using the First Person Shooter controls (WASD keymap) press the Ctrl + H to turn off and again to turn it back on.

4.) If your using the Isometric controls (UO Style keymap) press the Ctrl + H  or Ctrl + Shift + H to turn off and again to turn it back on.


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