
- New Guide
We told you our next guide would be out soon. Next
we are going to search the deep space for more JTL based guides. |
- New Profile
Today we added a new profile to our S-T page. Were
close to releasing a new guide. |
- New Profile
We have added a new profile to our O-P page. not to
much else going on these days that we can report on but we will keep you up to
date. |
- Added Profile
We have also
added a new profile to the K-L page. and are working on a new guide that should
be out soon. we have also shut the forums down since there not getting much use
we night bring them back up if there is a demand for it. |
- Added Profile
Not much going on except for the near release of publish 11.5. We have also
added a new profile to the K-L page. |
- New Guide
Today we have released a guide explaining how to become glowy.
we are working on finding new JTL and 11.3 publish guides. If you have a guide
and would like to post it all you have to do is contact us. |
- New JTL Guide
We have added a new JTL guide today explaining how
to use the new droid option added from JTL. Since the last update we have added
new profiles to the A-B, S-T and the
U-V. |
- New JTL Guide
We have added a new JTL guide today explaining how
to go about building your first ship. We are also working on some other guides
that should make there way here soon. |
- New Guide
A new guide has been added today. It was submitted
by Trey Adams or Traie as he is known on the Eclipse galaxie. We have also added
a new profile to the U-V page. |
- New JTL Guide
Today we have added our first JTL guide. It can be
found on our Game Guides section. Right now were
searching JTL for some new guides to post. |
- New Profiles
We have added 3 new profiles today with others on the way, seems that were
finally gaining popularity among the SWG community.
We are also working on our first JTL guide which should come out in the next
couple of days. Its not going to be a big one... I'm still learning too. |
- New Feature for registered users
Today we have added two profile which you can find on our S-T and
E-F page We have also added a new bonus for the
people who have posted profiles with us, We will provide free
signatures. So if you want a free signature and
have posted your profile just contact us and let us know. |