We will be displaying screenshots of SWG loading screens, I have always found
them to be great and very informative but never real had enough time to admire
them, if you have a screenshot that you would like to submit send them here
Nym |
Spined Snake |
Underworld Smugglers |
Snorbal |
Kaja Or'zee |
Karen |
Emperor's Retreat
Kaadu |
Theed |
Gungan Sacred Place |
Theed Librarian |
The Emperor |
Peko-Peko |
Dee'Ja Peak |
Falumpaset |
Lake Retreat |
Fumbaa |
Eopie |
Lord Hethrir |
Narglatch |
Kaadara |
Bib Fortuna |
Jabba the Hutt |
Mos Espa |
Bantha |
Fallen Star |
Krayt Graveyard |
Bestine |
Fort Tuskin |
Mos Entha |
Sand People |
Great Pit of Carkoon |
Jawa |
Jabba's Palace |
Political Intregue |
Huff Darklighter |
Anchorhead |
Ronto |
Krayt Dragon |
Jawa Fortress |
Mos Eisley |
Wayfar |
Politics in Bestine |
Kor Vella |
Coronet City |
Tyrena |
Dalyrake |
Selonians |
Drall |
Rebel Hideout |
Rebel Hideout 2 |
Razor Cat |
Bela Vistal |
Slice hound |
Razor Cat |
Corellian Butterflys |
Cultists of Lord Nyax |
Lantern Bird |
Ewok |
Merek |
Hanadak |
Marauders |
Thune |
Voritor |
Piket |
Jedi Temple |
Bol |
Quenker |
Remnants of Kun |
Rebel Base |
The Warren |
Yavin 4
Geonosian Lab |
Geonosian Lab |
Geonosian Lab |
Geonosian Lab |
Rori Gungans |
Squall |
Garyn Raiders |
Rori Miners |
Rori |
Retuss |
Cobral Renegades |
Narmle |
Binyare Pirates |
Hilltop Kima |
Talus Liberation Party |
Nashal and Dearic |
Aa'Kuans |
Jump To Lightspeed
Events & NPCs
Death Watch Bunker |
Contraband Searches |
Junk Dealers |
The Warren |
TC-Corbantis |
Darth Vader |
Publish 9 |
Publish 9 |
Publish 9 |
Publish 9 |
Publish 9 |
9.1 Combat Changes |
Corellian Corvette |
Bounty Hunter update |
4th of July |
Max Rebo |
Corbantis Events |
Publish 9.2 |
Publish 9.3 |
Publish 10.2 |
Publish 10.3 |
Jedi Trials |
Mail and Testcenter |
Community Menu |
KeyMaps |
Cloning |
Radial Menu |
Groups |
Banking |
Harvesting Resources |
Overhead City Map |
Buy Insurance |
Abilities and Commands |
Mail Menu |
Consider |
The Planetary Map |
Waypoints |
Postures |
Camping Safely |
Creating a Macro |
Camp rules changed |
Help |
Framerate & Network |
Creating chat tabs |
Text Editing |
Target Display |
GCW: Turret Attacks |
Options Menu |
Skills Menu |
Tabbing |
Movement |
Chase Camera |
Character Sheet |
Moving and Resizing |
Chat tabs |
Game Menu |
Droid Enhancements |
New Chat Channel |
Radial Menu Shortcuts |
User Interface colors |
Player City Garages |
Accuracy Meter |
States |
Dewback |
Droid Repair Kits |
Hospitals |
Personal Light |
Character Transfer |
Resizing the Toolbar |